Delta 10 or THC-O – Which is the Stronger Cannabinoid?

The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill was the catalyst that opened the doors to a wide variety of cannabinoids. Indeed, the cannabis scene is literally flooded with options as new and different versions mark their presence in the market!

Given the cornucopia of THC isomers itself, it is difficult to keep track of the varied forms available and their effects on the body. For instance, a user will find himself scratching his head over which is stronger - Tropical Punch Delta 10 THC or the new THC-O entrant on the supermarket shelf!

Difference Between Delta 10 and THC-O

The THC isomers are basically cannabinoids that share the same chemical formula, but are arranged differently which changes their properties. Therefore, everything from Delta 8 to Delta 10 are basically variants of the ‘infamous’ Delta 9 THC. However, the variance in structure allows for a unique experience with each formulation.

To begin with, what sets THC-O apart is that it is a non-natural cannabinoid. It is synthesized in the laboratory from Delta 8 or Delta 9 through the process of acetylation. It is considered to be two times stronger than Delta 9 which happens to be the most potent cannabinoid in the market. This is because it binds tightly with the cannabinoid receptors in the body, thus delivering an intensely psychoactive experience!

THC-O is available in the usual forms – from oils and tinctures to flowers, vapes and even edibles. However, it has to be used with great caution as the effects can be borderline hallucinogenic for some people.

In direct contrast, Delta 10 can be relegated to the other end of the THC spectrum as it is less intense than even Delta 8 THC. It is more like a head buzz that uplifts the mind and not a full body high. Primarily associated with the sativa strain of hemp plants, this cannabinoid is considered ideal for day time use when the cerebral effects can stimulate concentration and creativity.

Again, Delta 10 THC is also available in the usual formulations of oils, tinctures, vapes and edibles. It should also be used with care as overdosage can turn intoxicating after a point.

Both these cannabinoids are known to deliver a range of therapeutic benefits – from easing pain and inflammation to anxiety, insomnia and much more.

Point to Ponder – These are general observations as the actual effect will vary from person to person depending on a range of factors.

When it comes to sourcing any of the cannabinoids – be it Tropical Punch Delta 10 THC or THC-O or some other variant – the best bet in terms of quality and safety has to be Element Earth CBD Shop – The Element of Wellness ( It will never ever be a decision to regret!


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