Everything You Need to Know About THC Syrup


The Delta 9 THC syrup is one the multiple ways to use cannabis products. It mimics the cough syrup you use to treat cough. The viscosity and consistency is like cough syrup, minus the medicinal flavor.

Since THC syrup is consumed orally, is it faster acting than edible cannabis or those inhaled or smoked?

Here’s everything you need to know about the Delta 9 THC syrup.

How the Syrup is made

THC concentrate is mixed either with vegetable oil, sugar or coconut oil to give the syrup-like consistency. It is like any other syrup and can be mixed with drinks, glazed on desserts, or simply swallowed like cough syrup to get the high and the intoxicating feeling of consuming cannabis.

How it is consumed?

THC syrup can be taken orally or sublingually. Sublingually implies holding it under the tongue. When held under the tongue for a short while, the syrup is directly absorbed by the blood vessels and enters the bloodstream immediately. As it does not have to gain access to the bloodstream through the digestive system, it acts faster than edibles and inhaled cannabis.

It is often consumed orally, either directly like you consume the cough syrup. Swallow a spoonful just like any other medicinal syrup or mix it in your beverage. It is often used as a sweetener in beverages. Drinking the syrup is undoubtedly faster acting that the edibles and other solids containing THC. However, it is slower acting than when consumed sublingually. THC syrups with a higher content of THC are faster acting than normal THC syrups.

Facts about THC syrup

THC syrup has the same effect as traditional marijuana edibles. In fact, it is the smokeless form of consuming cannabis. It is faster acting than gummies and other THC-infused foods. It saves people from the drawbacks of igniting and smoking flower.

THC syrups take about 30 minutes to show the effects. It is therefore, advisable to wait for at least for this span before taking another dose to feel the high.

THC syrup boasts of a list of benefits. Read on to find out.

  • Relief from pain and inflammation are the primary reasons for the consumption of cannabis products. THC syrup does the same with lesser barriers when compared to concentrates and edibles.
  • Research states that THC syrup is beneficial in treating symptoms of nausea and other digestive disorders. It is extremely helpful for people with eating disorders, IBS, and also for those suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy.

Well, it also suffers from certain setbacks. Beginners and people suffering with diabetes must be careful with the sugar laden versions of the syrup. It is one of the more potent cannabis products. New comers should begin consuming it in small doses. Mixing it with alcoholic drinks is subject to more side effects.

So, although THC syrup has its set of benefits, consumers must be careful with the side effects before consuming it. Proper use can help you in multiple ways.

Element Earth CBD has THC syrup on its product list. You can be assured of a high-quality product. Other cannabis products are also available here.

For further details, contact them at www.elementearthCBD.com


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