Are CBD Gummies Safe To Carry On Flights?

Feel nervous or stressed about flying? Popping a few CBD gummies is the best bet for calming the nerves and easing the anxiety related to the travel. Other travelers use CBD edibles, oils and tinctures to combat jet lag, muscle aches and so on. Many even prefer to carry them along to treat chronic pain, insomnia or as part of their beauty regimen.

However, flying with CBD products in carry-on or checked bags can get more complicated than it looks. At the outset, the regulations specify that it is legal to carry hemp-derived CBD that contain no more than 0.3% THC. Additionally, passengers can also carry medical-approved marijuana and FDA-approved products.

The precautions

While the authorities do not specifically screen for CBD or even marijuana products, if discovered, they do not have the facility to test them on the spot either. Therefore, travelers are advised to always keep the product in its original packaging so that the contents can be determined easily. Moreover, they should also carry the prescription for medical marijuana or Certificate of Analysis of the CBD product.

In case the CBD liquid or oil is being packed in a carry-on, it should not exceed 3.4 ounces. CBD vape devices must be stored in the hand baggage as its not allowed in check-in luggage.

On the safe side, it is better to ascertain the state laws of the destination of travel in relation to marijuana/CBD and proceed accordingly. Some states still have high restrictions on CBD usage and only permit the use of CBD products with 0% THC. A few do not allow CBD in food and beverages.

Keep in mind that the TSA has the final word in the matter and they can confiscate the product or even refer it to law enforcement.

International Travel

The parameters become even more complicated when traveling to foreign shores. The rules vary from country to country and CBD continues to remain illegal in some parts of Europe and Asia. Most nations in Africa and the Middle East have banned cannabis products (including CBD) and this can invite criminal proceedings. Therefore, it is crucial to check the laws of the destination country and follow them to the letter, as drug laws can be exceptionally stringent in some places.

On the other hand, travelers should also gain a clear understanding of the products they intend to carry – the origins of the CBD, level of THC content, whether it is full spectrum, broad spectrum or isolate, etc.

In case of any unsurety, it is better to purchase the CBD at the destination, if it is permissible.

Last but not the least; always source CBD products from dependable sources – like Element Earth CBD Shop ( - that stockshigh-quality and reliable CBD products from the best brands.


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