CBD Flower Decoded! Find More About Best Strains

CBD is being formulated in varied forms, from oils, tinctures and ointments to edibles, clothing and more. However, it is CBD flowers - like Cannaflower – that are literally setting the market on fire!

Seeing the demand for this relatively newer form of CBD, many people are curious about what it is and how it can be used.

Well, CBD flower is just that – flower from the mature cannabis plant that has been dried and cured. Here, the hemp variety of cannabis is used to ensure that the flowers contain less than 0.3% THC. This makes them federally legal as well as permissible in many states.

This is a non-intoxicating form of cannabis which yields various benefits to the body – from pain relief to keeping stress at bay. It can alleviate anxiety and depression as well.

The CBD flower – also known as hemp flower - is usually smoked or vaped while some people even use it to make edibles. There are a range of flavors like Linalool (crisp taste like an ice cream), Pinene (earthy pine flavor), Humulene (earthy and undertone taste), Terpinolene (fruity and herbal taste) and Caryophyllene (peppermint-like terpene flavor). Additionally, each of these flavors has its own distinctive aroma that have become iconic in themselves. Both indica and sativa strains are available – the former has a soothing or relaxing effect while the latter is energizing and uplifting.

The best part is that CBD flower is non-intoxicating and does not create any notable psychoactive effects. There is no confusion or paranoia associated with the usage. And since the flower gets absorbed into the system much quicker than other formulations and circulates in the blood throughout the body, the effects can be felt almost instantaneously. Moreover, the CBD gets released directly into the lungs and bypasses the liver for reaching the brain, thus leading to a stronger effect on the whole. To add to this, the flower is packed with the full spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids found in cannabis. This creates the entourage effect in the body.

Therefore, this is one of the cleanest and most efficient ways of using cannabis – be it for medicinal or recreational purposes.

Where to buy?

People are buying CBD flowers off the internet. However, using premium hemp flowers is what will deliver the best and most effective experience that CBD has to offer! The most important criteria is that it should be from a reputable brand that provides third-party lab results to verify the compounds present in the products. Keep in mind that only a few manufacturers – like Cannaflower and Vance Global - produce CBD flower that’s worth vaping or smoking.

And Element Earth CBD Shop – The Element of Wellness (www.elementearthcbd.com) is the best place to source quality flower strains to suit every personality, purpose and budget.


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