How CBD Can Help Combat Aging Symptoms in Pets

Pets have shorter life spans and age much faster than humans. And senior pets start experiencing aging issues like joint pains, arthritis, failing eyesight and hearing, anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, dementia, heart, liver and kidney diseases and even cancer. It gets really tough for pet parents to watch their beloved pet suffer as the symptoms aggravate and take a heavy toll on the mute four-legged creature.

The problem here is that prescription medicines offer little relief and the pet continues to become dull and loses enthusiasm. In this scenario, CBD for pets – the cannabidiol compound derived from cannabis and containing very low THC – is proving to be helpful in alleviating the vexing health issues of aging pets. Such as:

  • CBD can ease inflammation caused by the wearing out of the cartilage or other chronic progressive diseases. As the tenderness goes down, the pain also reduces and the pet starts showing improved mobility.
  • Age also heralds behavioral changes in the pets which manifests as irritation and emotional reactions. CBD can help elderly pets to deal with stress and anxiety. The cannabinoids soothe the mind leading to a calm and relaxed feeling which can also improve the mood of the pet.
  • The appetite of pets is known to go down with advancing age – as they start eating less, the nutrient deficiency can further lower their strength, leaving them weak and vulnerable. The good news is that CBD can stimulate the appetite while reducing nausea. With improved intake of food, the pet will become fit and healthy once again. It also has a positive effect on digestion, gut health and other gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Aging pets have difficulties in sleeping and the lack of proper rest can lead to nerve problems and even heart disease. CBD is known to fight insomnia and induce a restful sleep that also boosts immunity and wellness in the pet.
  • CBD can lower blood pressure, support the nervous system and strengthen the cardiovascular system as well.
  • That’s not all. CBD is believed to slow down the growth of cancerous cells in pets apart from reducing the negative side effects of cancer treatments.

All that a pet parent wants is to provide comfort to the aging pet so that the four-legged companion can feel better and become active and cheerful once again. While research is still ongoing on this subject, anecdotal evidence supports that using CBD supplements is a beneficial approach to maintaining the quality of life in senior cats and dogs.

There are several companies that make and sell CBD products, but not all are reliable, effective or even safe. Therefore the best source for quality cannabidiol supplements is Element Earth CBD Shop ( as it stocks nothing but the best CBD products from the most prominent suppliers across USA!


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