Hope against Hope

Cannabis flower is transformed into pure cannabis concentrate and the mixture is added to tinctures. Patient suffering from cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic pain, and several other ailments have reduced symptoms and reversed the disease with regular use of Myriam's hope. It took a while for Myriam's hope to convince people of the effects of cannabis oil and extracts.

The fact behind Myriam's Hope

The extract has a long story, Diana’s mother Myriam, was diagnosed with stage IV glioblastoma brain cancer. She was only given six months by doctors. Diana began to look for alternative treatment. She came across a clinical study that revealed the effects of cannabis on glioblastoma patients. In her quest to get to the root, she came across a community that was treating patients suffering from cancer with cannabis. However, the dispensaries she visited were not making cannabis oil and their portions contained butane hash. Diana was tempted to work on this useful herb at her end to benefit many others like her mother. 

How did the transformation happen?

While her mother was going through chemotherapy and radiation, she also began to treat her with cannabis oil. The MRI reports began to show stability. The six months were over with more life expectancy. In the 8th months of chemotherapy, the tumor grew. They decided to take her off chemo and kept her on high THC cannabis oil, the tumor began to shrink.


Diana was on a Facebook group, and people began to take updates on how she was treating her mother. She realized that there were many like her mother and her need to share her knowledge with others grew. She decided to promote Myriam's Hope. 

Each product is double tested, and the dosage is controlled. Helping many people through difficult health conditions is what Myriam's hope does. Check it out at https://www.elementearthcbd.com/.


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