Shopping for CBD – Make the Right Choice

CBD products have literally become a dime a dozen. There are varied formulations for easing pain, anxiety, depression, skin care and much more. The supermarket shelves are crowded with pills, gummies, oils, creams, ointments and other forms of CBD products from an array of brands. While CBDistillery continues to rule the roost as one of the most trusted brands in the industry, how is a layman to know whether a CBD bottle or tube that he picks up will actually be pure, potent and effective? Here’s a simple guide on how to shop for the right CBD products for those who are not as well-versed with the reputation and reliability of different CBD brands. The CBD should be derived from U.S.-grown hemp only.Hemp from abroad opens the problem of not following FDA-determined manufacturing practices along with lack of state or federal testing. When it comes to the American states, Colorado has the most robust hemp program with spot-testing of THC levels in the hemp plants, ...