Exploring the World of Delta 8 THC Edibles

Delta 8 THC edibles are a simple and effective way to introduce oneself to the world of hemp-derived THC and its varied benefits. The gummies are tasty, easy to ingest, and help in more ways than one! Growing Popularity and Misconceptions There is a strong buzz about Delta 8 THC edibles, and the craze to try these new psychoactive products is escalating across genres of society. Unfortunately, most people have half-baked knowledge about anything to do with cannabis and simply go with the fad or even shun it without knowing any better. Understanding Cannabis and Its Types Hemp vs. Marijuana Simply put, the cannabis plant is of two types – hemp and marijuana . Both of them have similar properties and are loaded with hundreds of cannabinoids that interact with the endocannabinoid system of the body to produce varying effects. The difference between the two plant types lies in the concoction of cannabinoids they carry. Cannabinoid Composition Hemp is primarily associated w...